Hawes Trail System
This Sonoran Desert gem is located in Northeast Mesa with both Red Mountain and the Salt River corridor to 4 peaks as its back drop. For many years this area has been very popular with east valley folks. In recent years a local group(HawesTrailAlliance) has made incredible strides at improving the quality of trails at Hawes and has added many more miles of fun.
As a result Hawes has seen an explosion of new riders and it is well deserved as there have been many updates to the system. TGR has worked side by side with HTA on some trail building days and we look forward to more collaboration in the future as we are all in this together making trails with in the Tonto Forest better for everyone!
You will find many miles of fun in this trail system and we feel it has something for everyone. If you like the work that has and is continuing to been done to make Hawes a destination trail system then be sure to show your support to the Hawes Trail Alliance.

Iron Goat Fun