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Volunteer Trail Events

Current information for all Tonto Gravity Riders Trail Work Events for Pinal Mountain Trails.


****Update Jan 2024*****

Lots of hard work from our core group and volunteers was strong this fall and we have now completed the Initial restoration work on Telephone. Look for Telephone and Icehouse both to reopen spring 2024. Now that we have either completed initial restoration or full restoration of Six Shooter, Kellner, Icehouse and Telephone look for regular trail maintenance work days for 2024 as we continue to improve the trails and their sustainability. Lots of exciting things in the works and we hope to be able to break ground on new trails in the fall of 2025.


****Update Nov 2023*****


Restoration of Kellner was completed earlier this summer and upon our return after a summer hiatus we have resumed restoration work on Icehouse Canyon and started work on Lower Telephone. The plan is to have work done on both so we can start the 2024 spring season off with two more trails being re-opened.  Keep an eye out for work dates and don't forget our Facebook Volunteer page as its the most up to date resource for trail days. 


****Update April 2023*****

Winter's moisture is quickly fading and restoration of Lower Six Shooter has been completed and we hope to see it reopened to the public soon.


Restoration work continues on Kellner as we make our way up Kellner to meet up with the work we did top down last year. As of now there is just the middle mile which still has debri and overgrowth however from there down you will be greeted with nicely brushed corridor free of catsclaw.


Upper Six Shooter is currently a mess and not recommended fun. Look for trail dates to take care of the vast amount of new deadfall that has plagued upper Six Shooter.


****Update February 2023****

New Trail Dates added to the calendar!! Big Thanks to our volunteers with you we logged just under 1200hrs on Pinal Mountain in 2023.


Six Shooter Trail Work on pause due to weather however the trail is in great shape minus a few areas and some deadfall. Work as shifted to Kellner Canyon Trail and the lower connectors to Ice House CCC.


****Update June 15th 2022****

We want to give huge thanks to everyone that has volunteered so far this year. With everyone's hard work and dedication we have completed our initial restoration efforts on Six Shooter. We have also competed restoration of the Upper Mile of Icehouse and the majority of the upper two miles of Kellner Canyon.


The heat is on and volunteer numbers have dwindled due to heat. Plus of course its the time for summer travel and bike parks. 


We will restart once the temps have dropped due to monsoon activity. We plan to restart public event in 2 months. But have no fear if you still want to brave the heat let your voice be heard by email or on our volunteer facebook page. That is where we will post up our smaller workdays as the core group continues to push through trail restoration. Also keep an eye out for workdays on a special project our core group we will be starting very soon in a much cooler environment.


**** Update March 8th 2022****


We are fast approaching our 5th Six Shooter Restoration day of 2022 and would like to thank all of our volunteers especially our dedicated volunteers you are our lifeblood. So far we have worked on 2.5miles of trail and plan to make a big push on our next event this weekend to finish to lower half of Six Shooter which will put us very close to completing our restoration work on Six Shooter. If you haven't been following us on facebook we worked on the upper 2 miles early last year so we will make quick work of the upper section before moving back to Ice House Canyon  Trail and continue the restoration work we started last year.​


Join us for one of our many trail events! We have a multitude of tasks that can accommodate everyone's ability or desired level of contribution. 


We hope to see you soon!


**** Update Feb 12th 2022****


New updated trail dates marked on the calendar!

**** Update Oct 14th 2021****


We have permission to start our Trail Restoration Projects ahead of the termination of the Telegraph Fire Closure in Sept, 2022. This will allow us to mitigate any current and future erosion issues due to increased run off as a result of the Telegraph Fire, ample time to get the trails back in shape and ready to open back to the public.  


Join one of our numerous volunteer events aimed at restoring and improving trails on Pinal Mountain for all users.

Can't make it to one of our events and you still want to help out?? Just hit the button below to show your support for CREATING more SMILES per mile!


Missed an event but want to catch up? Check out our Past Trail Events page!


First time here then be sure to visit our Volunteer Page

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Volunteer Event Calendar

Social Media Buzz!!

Six Shooter Trail Restoration

Good progress has been made on Six Shooter and the intial restoration is done. Trailwork has resumed and we are making great progress on post monsoon cleanup. In the spring of 2023 we also finished the restoration of the lower section of Six Shooter from Ice House CCC to the bridge off Road 112. Expect that to soon be reopened to the public for use until then lower Six Shooter is still under a closure order.


Ice House Canyon Trail -
Work Days and Restoration Work Days

Trailwork is on on Icehouse has resumed and hopefully we will have it ready to reopen in the spring of 2024. Fire restoration work is hard work that takes time.


Restoration work on Ice House Canyon Trail. Trail Days will consist of doing general tread maintenance and also doing trail restoration work in heavily damaged/eroded areas. Check our calendar above for upcoming work days or click on Henry's picture for the next event!    


Kellner Canyon Trail Restoration

Great progress has been made in 2023 on Kellner Canyon Trail. Restoration work has been completed. Look for maintenance days early 2024. For now, expect a great ride or hike in comparison to post fire conditions.


Watch the calendar for future dates.

kellner 2021-4
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