Our Vision
Tonto Gravity Rider's vision is to collaboratively work with the Tonto National Forest for the management of the Globe Ranger District Trails, assist in the development and rehabilitation of the "Pinal Mountain Trail System", to enhance the Pinal Mountain user experience through trail maintenance, new trail construction, trail stewardship, advocacy and education of the public about trail etiquette, and safe responsible use of the trail system.
To be the backbone of the restoration of the Pinal Mountain Trail System affected by the 2017 and 2021 fires and new development.
Advocate for non-gravity orientated multi-use trails within the upper reaches of the Pinal Mountains to provide loop options and a connector trail linking to all upper trail heads without the need to hike/bike/ride on the forest road while expanding the available trail for all users to enjoy in the cooler temperatures of the upper forest during the summer.
Advocate for Gravity orientated solutions to meet the increasing demand for technical trails within the sport of mountain biking.
Advocate for a lower connector trail in the lower foothills that would extend from Ice House CCC to Kellner Canyon Campground/FSR 651 providing more cross-country travel for all users.
Also to help with the linking of new trails to the Pinal Mountain Trail System from nearby recreational areas in Globe.
Past tense. "To grow into a 501c(3) able to raise donations and do fundraising to help provide the financial support needed to make these visions become a reality." We are now a 501(c)3!
To work towards becoming "Partners" with the Tonto National Forest.
To grow and expand to other areas within the Tonto National Forest where trail stewardship is needed and our capacity grows.