Tonto Gravity Riders
Pinal Mountain Projects
Here you will find current up to date information regarding the Tonto Gravity Riders Projects on Pinal Mountain. Many of them include Trail Restoration Projects for fire damaged trails during the 2021 Telegraph Fire.
Six Shooter Trail
2023 Fall update
Lower Six Shooter restoration is complete and now we have done a full restoration from top to bottom.
2023 Spring Update
Lower Six Shooter restoration is near complete. Expect it to reopen to the public soon. This brings us to having Six Shooter in its entirety restored. There will always be work to be done but over time as the land fully stabilizes that work will greatly reduce.
Fall 2022 Update
We have completed our initial effort of Six Shooter Trail restoration and are moving on to finish our work from last year's restoration efforts on Icehouse Canyon Trail.
Want to see the progress? Be sure to check out our past events page. Each picture click will take you to that work events pictures.
In October 2021 we started work on the Six Shooter Restoration Project. Our first two trail days totaling 90hr of volunteer time spent helping in removal all deadfall from Six Shooter to prep for crews to spend valued time addressing some of the bigger issues instead of log outs. This project will last well into 2022 as there has been substantial damage to Six Shooter. Six Shooter will be our main focus as it is the pinnacle trail on Pinal Mountain and is also registered as a National Recreational Trail.
Restoration work will include cleaning up the tread from fire debris, fixing drainage issues, Re-establishing damaged tread, improving the visual corridor and making general improvements along the way.
Interested in being part of this trail restoration or others then follow the link that applies below.
Icehouse Trail
Spring 2024 Update
Icehouse has been re-opened. There is still work to be done but for the most part this trail is in great shape. We hope to finish off restoration work this fall.
Fall 2023 update.
Restoration work has resumed, and we have made lots of progress. We hope to have it open early 2024 spring season.
2023 Update.
Work on Icehouse is on Pause until Fall 2023 while we finish Kellner restoration and attend to winter cleanup of Six Shooter deadfall this spring.
Spring 2022 Update!
2022 restoration work has been going well on Icehouse. We have finished the last few sections that we didn't get to last year and cleaned winter debris and trees from previously restored trail. Restoration down past the last switchback on upper Icehouse (approx 1 mile) is done The next leg of the restoration will be more labor intensive as it tread lies in the drainage and has extensive erosion. But have no fear we will prevail, and Icehouse will once again welcome you with open arms.
Oct 2021 Update!
Productive hikes and Trail Restoration of Icehouse Canyon Trail has started! Restoration includes cleaning the trail tread and the trail corridor. As we progress, we will continue where we left off in 2021 prior to the Telegraph Fire with re-establishing tread and making drainage/trail improvements. Post Fire Assessment is Great! Aside from some erosion issues Icehouse for the most part has made it through the Telegraph fire with minimal damage for the upper 2 miles. From Telephone Junction to Icehouse CCC is still an unknown at this time. Interested in supporting this trail restoration project then follow the link that applies below.
Kellner Canyon Trail
2023 Fall Update.
Kellner has had full restoration and only has a 1/2mile section near the middle that still needs brushed open but outside of that its in great shape and putting smiles on faces.
Update Spring 2023.
Lower Kellner Canyon Trail has now been brushed open and had the bigger issues fixed. With previous work this brings us close to having Kellner's corridor fully opened by Summer.
Update Summer 2022.
We got a solid start to our. Kellner Canyon Trail Restoration efforts. Our crew members and volunteers put in 174 hours' worth of work into the restoration efforts! Be sure to check our past events to see the vast photo set from that event.
In December 2021 Initial assessments showed promise that Kellner Canyon Trail overall received minimal fire damage from the Telegraph Fire and has continued to recover very well from the 2017 Pinal Fire. However the combination of the two fires has most definitely left a mark.
While this is a less traveled trail it is indeed one of the premier trails on Pinal Mountain providing unique view into the Copper District and has multiple historical artifacts strewn about. We look forward to doing the needed restoration work and general trail improving to draw in trail users once again.
Interested in being a part of this trail restoration and improvement then follow the link that applies below.
Telephone Trail
2024 Winter Update
Restoration work is coming to an end with only a few more trail days at most are needed to have Telephone top to bottom fully restored, brushed and clean.
2024 Spring Update
Brushing work has been completed and you can look forward to enjoying lower Telephone's as it is now open once again!
2023 Fall Update.
Work continues on Lower Telephone. 2 fires and lots of new growth have buried this trail. Goal is to be done with brushing work by the end of the year.
Pinal Mountain
Trail System Master
Plan Development
Big Developments and ideas in the works. Have desires or dreams about recreational possibilities on Pinal Mountain?? We do! Lets see if they align!
Share your thoughts and send us an email and we will also share your thoughts with the local land managers and evaluate how TGR can help meet those needs. Local opinions are important.
Building for the future!!!!!!!